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姓名: 卢岩

性别: 女

职称: 讲师


最高学历: 研究生

最高学位: 博士

电话: 13604446823








2011.9-2019.6 伟德国际BETVLCTOR病理学与病理生理学 硕博连读

2006.9-2011.6 伟德国际1946源自英国护理学院 学士


2019.9-今伟德国际BETVLCTOR人体解剖学系 讲师


1. OCT4 maintains self-renewal and reverses senescence in human hair follicle mesenchymal stem cells through the downregulation of p21 by DNA methyltransferases. Lu Y, Qu H, Qi D, Xu W, Liu S, Jin X, Song P, Guo Y, Jia Y, Wang X, Li H, Li Y, Quan C. Stem Cell Res Ther. 2019 Jan 15;10(1):28.

2. SMAD2 Inactivation Inhibits CLDN6 Methylation to Suppress Migration and Invasion of Breast Cancer Cells. Lu Y, Wang L, Li H, Li Y, Ruan Y, Lin D, Yang M, Jin X, Guo Y, Zhang X, Quan C. Int J Mol Sci. 2017 Aug 30;18(9):1863.

3. The effects of shRNA-mediated gene silencing of transcription factor SNAI1 on the biological phenotypes of breast cancer cell line MCF-7. Lu Y, Yu L, Yang M, Jin X, Liu Z, Zhang X, Wang L, Lin D, Liu Y, Wang M, Quan C. Mol Cell Biochem. 2014 Mar;388(1-2):113-21.

4. Predictive Value of Pin1 in Cervical Low-Grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesions and Inhibition of Pin1 Exerts Potent Anticancer Activity against Human Cervical Cancer. Guo YT, Lu Y, Jia YY, Qu HN, Qi D, Wang XQ, Song PY, Jin XS, Xu WH, Dong Y, Liang YY, Quan CS. Aging Dis. 2020 Feb 1;11(1):44-59.

5. Transdifferentiation of Human Hair Follicle Mesenchymal Stem Cells into Red Blood Cells by OCT4. Liu Z, Lu SJ, Lu Y, Tan X, Zhang X, Yang M, Zhang F, Li Y, Quan C. Stem Cells Int. 2015;2015:389628.

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